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Garroboo District Operation Nighthawk Briefings
                   OPERATION NIGHTHAWK  13-14th August 1988

           When a team arrives at your checkpoint, carry out the 
           following procedures:
             (i)   Ask for the Team Leader
             (ii)  Get the Team number
             (iii) Ensure all the team is present
             (iv)  Put arrival time and team number on Score sheet
             (v)   Check that team members have no problems
             (vi)  Assess the team's morale and physical condition 
                   and, if considered necessary, insist that they 
                   rest. Advise HQ if this occurs.
             (vii) Put the team through their challenge.
             (viii)Allocate points.
             (ix)  Mark the next checkpoint on the team map and give 
                   any other instructions as needed for the team to
                   reach the next checkpoint in safety and on time.
             (x)   Dispatch the team to the next checkpoint.
             (xi)  Advise HQ of Departure time, points awarded, etc.
                   as per Score sheet.
             (xii) If a team is out of sequence (by five or more) 
                   check HQ to see if any team has been passed or 
       2.   EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.  Report all emergencies to HQ
       immediately and wait for instructions from HQ. All teams have been 
       issued with LOST procedures as per attachment.
       3.   PROBLEM SOLVING.  Operation Nighthawk is an initiative 
       test.  It is up to the Scouts and Venturers as to how they 
       solve the problem or complete the task, provided that all 
       checkpoint requirements are met, and that their procedures are 
       4.   PROPERTY PROTECTION.                                       
       (a)  Risk of fire is never absent.  Scouts and venturers are 
       not to take matches or butane lighters on the course.
       (b)  Livestock is not to be intentionally disturbed.
       (c)  Gates are to be left opened or closed, as found.
       (d)  Fences are not to be climbed over, either go through them 
       or under them.  Teams are to report any damaged fences to the
       Checkpoint they next encounter. The Checkpoint will then notify HQ. 
            Some fences are ELECTRIFIED so it is important that ALL fences
       are crossed ONLY at spots designated by markers such as bags.

       5.   ROADS.                                                    
       (a)  All standard road safety rules are to be observed, 
       particularly walking on the right hand side of the road.
       (b)  A head light and tail light (torches) must be at the 
       front and rear of all teams at all times.
       (c)  Extra care is to be taken on busy roads, and teams must move
       off the main thoroughfare in the face of oncoming traffic. 
       6.   RADIO COMMUNICATION.  The army is in charge of 
       communications and all radio communications are to be carried 
       according to its procedures.  Army call signs will be used.
       7.   CAMPSITE CONTROL.  The leader in charge of a checkpoint 
       has complete control of that checkpoint and is responsible to 
       HQ for the operation of that checkpoint. 
       8.   ALCOHOL AND LANGUAGE.   Checkpoint personnel are asked not 
       to consume alcohol during the duration of the hike (i.e. while 
       teams are still on their section of the course), to maintain 
       their checkpoint in a quiet and orderly manner and not to use
       language that others may find offensive.
       9.   ACTIVITY DISPUTES.  Any disputes are to be submitted in 
       writing to HQ, giving full particulars of the reason and nature
       of the dispute.  A disputes committee will then consider the 
       dispute and give a ruling.  The Disputes Committee's 
       decision will be final. The Disputes Committee will be formed
       from members of the Nighthawk committee selected by the 
       Chairman of that Committee. 
       10.  NOISE.  Remind noisy teams to keep the noise down,
       particularly when they are going close to residences.
       11.  CIGARETTES.  No teams are to have cigarettes or matches 
       with them on the course.  Six (6) demerit points will be awarded
       to the team and the cigarettes and matches are to be confiscated.  
       If the team refuses to comply with these conditions, 
       disqualification of the team will be considered.  
       12.  MARSHALLS.  All marshalls will be identified by a 
       distinctive badge of office.  They are to ensure that teams do 
       not break any rules and give demerit points if necessary.  
       Marshalls are to be called upon if any team becomes lost or is 
       in difficulties, only upon direction of HQ.  Overdue and lost 
       teams are to be reported to HQ first.
       13.  FIRE DANGER!! Due to the exceptional rain in April, grass
       cover is very high and dense and very due to frost. A VERY HIGH
       fire danger exists!!! Every precaution must be taken to ensure
       that all fires are contained, small and that flying sparks do 
       not start fires.
                       ALL FIRE BANS MUST BE FOLLOWED!!  
       If you must smoke, cigarette butts are not to be thrown away while
       still alight - this form of littering and fire go hand in hand.
       14.  BADGES.  All checkpoint personnel will be issued with a 1988
       Nighthawk Badge as a small measure of appreciation for their help
       in making Nighthawk possible.

       K. Harrison,
       Nighthawk Committee.

                   OPERATION NIGHTHAWK  13-14th August 1988       
                             CAMP LEADERS NOTES  
       GROUP ........................      CAMPSITE NO. ............. 
       TEAM NAME/NO. .................      DEPARTURE TIME ...........
       TEAM NAME/NO. .................      DEPARTURE TIME ...........
       TEAM NAME/NO. .................      DEPARTURE TIME ...........
                    WELCOME TO OPERATION NIGHTHAWK 1988! 
       1.   WHAT IS NIGHTHAWK?  Nighthawk is a test of skill, 
       initiative, fun and endurance.  Points are awarded for 
       activities completed at checkpoints.  Points are deducted for 
       breaches of road rules, country code or nighthawk rules.  The 
       rules and instructions are precise and are to be obeyed in 
       your own interests for safety and protection of private 
       2.   TIMES.  All times will be recorded using the 24 hour clock, 
       e.g. 7.00 pm reads 1900 hours (add 12 to pm time).
       The departure times and campsite(s) for your group's teams are above.

       3.   TEAM BRIEFINGS.  Briefings will be held at Headquarters 
       for Team Leaders as follows:  SCOUTS:  1550 hours
                                     VENTURERS:  1615 hours.
       Make sure your team leaders are there!
       4.   CANTEEN.  A pie and hot drink stall will be in operation 
       during nighthawk. 
       5.   GENERAL RULES FOR CAMPING:                                 
       (a)  No Fires - Gas cooking only.                              
       (b)  No trenches to be dug around tentage.                  
       (c)  Remain within allocated area, as it will be easier to 
            find groups in cases of emergency.                      
       (d)  Separate areas have been set aside for venturers and
            scouts.  Leaders are to ensure scouts and venturers
            remain in respective areas.                                        
       (e)  All sites are to be left clean and tidy with all rubbish 
            to be put in the bins provided. 
       (f)  Leaders are responsible for the activities of the scouts 
            and venturers while the teams are in the Showground area.

       6.  RESTRICTED AREAS.  Headquarters is out of bounds for all
       unauthorized personnel. Teams checking in or out and Leaders
       with genuine enquiries are "authorized personnel". 
       Separate areas have been set aside for scouts and venturers,
       neither group is to intrude on the other's area.
       7.  NOT TO LEAVE CAMP.  No one is to leave camp without his/her 
       leader's permission and then only for a very good reason.  
       Leaders must notify HQ of any such case as soon as practicable.
       8.  STARTING AND FINISHING.  All teams must be at the Check-out
       Point at HQ ten (10) minutes prior to departure.   
       No reminders will be given and late teams will go to the end.
       All teams must check in at HQ within ten (10) minutes of arrival 
       back at camp.  Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
       The results of the team's Spare Time Activity will be scored on 
       checking in and Nighthawk badges and vouchers for hot pies will
       be distributed.
       9.   PROPERTY PROTECTION.                                   
       (a)  Risk of fire is never absent.  Scouts and venturers are 
            not to take matches or butane lighters.                
       (b)  Livestock is not to be intentionally disturbed.                   
       (c)  Gates are to be left opened or closed, as found.                   
       (d)  Fences are not to be climbed over, teams are to go through
            them or under them.
       10.   ROADS.                                                 
       (a)  All standard road safety rules are to be observed, 
            particularly walking on the right hand side of the road.    
       (b)  A head light and a tail light (torches) must be at the 
            front and rear of all teams at all times.              
       (c)  Extra care is to be taken on busy roads and teams are to move
            off the main thoroughfare in the face of oncoming traffic.
       11.  ADEQUATE REST.  It is up to Camp Leaders and other group
            scouters to ensure that their scouts and venturers have 
            sufficient rest before the hike.
            The camping areas have been allocated to try to ensure that
            late teams will be disturbed as little as possible by early
            teams and vice versa.

       12.  ALCOHOL AND LANGUAGE.   Personnel in the Showground area
            are asked not to consume alcohol , to assist in maintaining 
            the area in a quiet and orderly manner and not to use
            language that others may find offensive.
       13.  ACTIVITY DISPUTES.  Any disputes are to be submitted in 
            writing to HQ, giving full particulars of the reason and nature 
            of the dispute.  A disputes committee will then consider the 
            dispute and give a ruling.  The Disputes Committee's 
            decision will be final. The Disputes Committee will be formed
            from members of the Nighthawk committee selected by the 
            Chairman of that Committee. 
       14.  STARTING TIMES.  Scouts and Venturers are to be at the 
            starting point (check out at HQ) ten (10) minutes prior to 
            departure time given upon your arrival at the site.  No 
            further reminder will be given.  A tight schedule must be 
            maintained to ensure all teams complete the course.